I love talking to readers about aliens, writing sci-fi, and why videogames are actually good for you & can help you READ MORE BOOKS... (it's true!)
My school visits (virtual or in person) are ideal for Y5-Y8.

(60 mins, Years 5-8, £80)
Meet Jamie & discover the inspiration behind SkyWake
Enjoy a short reading from the book
Presentation: Level Up! Why Videogames Are Good For You & Can Help You Read More Books (Guaranteed to convince your teachers!)
Interactive Q&A session (Ask Me Anything!)
(Full Day, Years 5-8, £300 + travel)
Meet Jamie & learns about his career as a film critic, magazine journalist, screenwriter and novelist
Presentation: Level Up! Why Videogames Are Good For You & Can Help You Read More Books (Guaranteed to convince your teachers!)
Hands on time with some classic retro videogames (including Space Invaders) and a discussion about games design and how games can inspire storytelling
Interactive Q&A session (Ask Me Anything!)
Book signing
Writing science fiction workshop: this session will encourage students to create an alien invasion story complete with an alien, a hero, a plot roadmap and an opening. Lots of fun for all ages and abilities
"It was wonderful seeing the students nodding enthusiastically away as you talked to them. I can't thank you enough for bringing us some joy and inspiration after such a tricky year."
All Saint's School, York
"I just want to say thank you so much for a really inspiring talk! It went down a storm with our students. They had their morning break straight after and the library was buzzing with students asking about how they can buy your book. Going back to your question to me at the end of the session, if I was convinced that games are as good as reading – I’ll now say yes!!! These past 20 minutes in the library sealed the deal, with some of the most reluctant readers being desperate to know how and where they can get a signed copy of SkyWake. Big thank you!!!!"
Harris Academy Wimbledon, London
Thanks so much for the zoom, we loved it! It was interesting and kept them engaged, plus thanks for answering so many questions!
Pensby High School, The Wirral
"Thank you so much for taking the time to come and visit us in school the other week. The children had such an incredible time and thoroughly enjoyed your visit. I had a lot of positive feedback from parents at parent's evening that night about the visit so thank you."
Hinstock Primary, Shropshire
"I just wanted to offer my sincere thanks for such a fantastic session- they've all gone out to break absolutely buzzing and have just asked for their next writing sequence to be Sci-Fi adventure theme. It was so well pitched and we will all be reading Skywake as our class novel from next week.
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Rotheram
"Thank you so much for a fabulous session this morning, Jamie. The children absolutely loved it!"
St George's School, Shrewsbury
To book a visit - or to discuss something tailored especially to your needs - drop me an email at: